Why choose TFGI?
TFGI have a long established background in instrumentation and monitoring of construction projects.
We have significant experience in the development, installation, monitoring, understanding and reporting of a wide range of Geotechnical and Structural instrumentation across major infrastructure projects.
We have worked with most of the major instrumentation companies providing contracting services, training and supporting their staff and advising on system design.
We offer independent advice, installation, monitoring services and reporting for geotechnical and structural projects.
We can advise on suitability of instruments and suppliers and, with our Ground Engineering background, offer the right advice to help you get the right answer.
Having defined the solution we can procure, install and set up your instrumentation or monitoring regime, can carry out the monitoring or train your staff to do this themselves.
We carry out all these works with our own directly employed staff to maintain consistent quality across the project

Supporting Services
Our own teams provide the contracting services for drilling and installation of piezometers, inclinometers, extensometers, deep datum monitoring points.
We have an extensive contracting capability and offer a single source for the complete system.
We also offer troubleshooting, data analysis and technical advice on what your data actually means.