We offer a complete design, install and warrant service to many of our clients, but are equally comfortable providing a key element such as drilling and commissioning of the borehole loop field for our Geothermal clients.
Our closed loop drilling, grouting and installation ability is widely recognised as amongst the best in the UK industry – a hard earned reputation that we are all proud of.
Our open loop systems form part of some significant commercial developments. We can advise on feasibility, borehole design, gain consent and licences from the Environment Agency, drill, pump test and provide a complete package to get your open loop system out of the ground and performing as you need it to.
We will help you develop, review and integrate Geothermal energy systems from feasibility through to commissioning into to new and retrofit projects.

Why choose TFGI?
We have significant experience of the provision of Geothermal Energy systems throughout the UK for domestic and commercial clients at all levels.
At the outset we can provide straightforward advice at no cost on whether Geothermal is the right approach for you and your project and if so which system. We then work with you throughout the project lifecycle to deliver an effective, efficient and integrated solution.

Supporting Services
We provide independent third party certification services of new and existing geothermal systems, including installation depths, flow and pressure testing and Thermal Response Testing (TRT).
We also provide trouble shooting, remediation, expert review should this be required for your projects.